As a manager of a block with a fire alarm system you should be aware of the requirements of BS5839. You know that to remain compliant the system should be tested every week. But we all know it is unrealistic for property managers to be able to visit all their sites weekly. And paying for a ‘skilled person’ to carry out this weekly fire alarm test is expensive over a year. Unfortunately, cost is no defense if the worst happens.
Most maintenance contracts include six- monthly service visits. However that’s a long time to discover something isn’t working with the system. It is best practice that fire detection and alarm systems are tested weekly, at roughly the same time. When you ensure this service is in place your professionalism is demonstrated, and flat owners or commercial tenants have confidence the system is working.
Falcon Fire and Security have been proudly protecting property throughout the Thames Valley for over 30 years. We have a simple solution to ensure the safety of all your residents. Let us train your cleaning team, or any contractor that attends your sites weekly, to test the alarms for you; ensuring you are fully compliant, at what should be a cost effective solution.
As the name states, this is a simple weekly test that ensures that the system is capable of performing as it should. It is not an in-depth service of the system, but rather a quick check that the sounders work, and that a fire can be signalled.
For commercial fire alarm systems with a control panel (BS 5839 – 1) a testing regime could be to:
The result of the weekly test and the identity of the manual call point should be recorded in the system logbook kept on site.
In addition for interlinked fire alarms of the domestic type (BS 5839 – 6), good practice for a weekly test would be to:
The result of the weekly test and the identity of the sensor can then be recorded in the system logbook.
Of course, each site will have a different version of the fire alarm control panel, along with different manual call points. We are happy to train the supervisor of the cleaning or maintenance team to ensure he or she is fully competent to carry out the testing. If you are interested in accessing this service, we will provide:
For more information on how this service could be used to best effect at your sites, contact Falcon Fire and Security on 01628 945970; or by using the contact form; or you can email us at to speak with one of the team. As a BAFE accredited company you can be sure you are in safe hands.
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